Submersible Pumps | Openwell Pumps Manufacturer & Exporter
Submersible Pumps | Openwell Pumps | Star Rating Submersible Pumps | 5 Star Rating Pumps Company Energy Efficient Pumps Manufacturer | Power Saving Submersible Pumps An ISO Certificed Pumps Manufacturing Company ISO Certified Submersible Pumps Manufacturing Company ISI Marked Submersible Pumps | ISI Pumps | ISI Approved Pumps ISI Standard Submersible Pumps | ISI Marked Pumps | ISI Approved Pumps
AN ISO 9001 : 2008 COMPANY

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F-Tech Engineering Co. is manufacturer & exporter various kinds of submersible pump like V3 Submersible Pump (3" Submersible Pump), V4 Submersible Pump (4" Submersible Pump), V6 Submersible Pump (6" Submersible Pump), V8 Submersible Pump (8" Submersible Pump), Horizontal Openwell Pump, Vertical Openwell Pump, SS Submersible Pump, etc. with power range from 0.5 HP to 30 HP. Company manufactures both radial & mixed flow submersible pumps.

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