Core Values

Sustainable development is a key concept at F-Tech. It is vital that our pumps demonstrate respect for the environment, especially in terms of energy consumption and use of materials.
It is also vital to create and maintain a healthy and safe work environment so that F-Tech remains an attractive workplace for present and future competent employees.
Finally, it is vital that our production facilities are organised so that they place as little strain as possible on our surroundings and the environment. In general, we will do everything possible to distance ourselves from the “buy and throw away” mentality.
The overall goal is that when this generation delivers Planet Earth to the next generation, it should be a cleaner and more energising place than the place which we inherited.
Our actions affect the lives of many people, on a daily basis. These include the many millions of people who have their water supplied by F-Tech pumps.
In principle, F-Tech will do business with customers all over the world because we believe that our products meet the most basic, fundamental needs of humanity. Respect for human rights, however, is an important issue.
We will do business with due respect to proper business procedures and ethical behaviour.
Regarding our own employees, we will strive to treat them as we would treat family members and good friends. Our employees are not just resources like machinery, buildings and capital. Our employees are people, human beings, with ideas, a sense of commitment, needs, desires, a sense of responsibility, skills and competences and - sometimes - problems.
When people put forth ideas, wishes and needs, we will listen. When we meet a sense of commitment, responsibility and skills, we will provide opportunities. When we discover problems, we will offer help - to the extent that the workplace is able to help solve or lessen the problem.
F-Tech is a Group with a global mindset. The Group has production facilities and sells pumps in every corner of the India. We already have sales and service in the India's most important pump markets. And we wish to continue to increase our presence in new markets.
To deserve the recognition and respect that we seek, we must do more than do things properly; we must show what we do.
This means that people must find us to be a credible and trustworthy company. That is why we must have an active information policy and systematically tell the relevant interest groups what we do, and what we are thinking of doing - and why.
At all times, we strive to act according to the principle that our employees always come first. We will never communicate something to the outside world before our employees are fully informed. In addition, we will continually strive to communicate honestly about conditions and circumstances, both those that are good and those that are less good.
We shall be open and honest — People who contact us shall be made to feel welcome. Besides normal business secrets, we have nothing to hide. On the contrary, it is in our best interest that the world at large should know our attitudes, our actions and us. In addition, we are interested in dialogue and in listening to others so that we can learn and understand how the world regards us - including what other people think we can do better.
The F-Tech is and always will be growth-oriented and we continually strive to maintain our position leading and most successful manufacturers of pumps and motors.
We want to be a market leader in pump production and we strive to establish production facilities in or close to all the largest markets. We will continue to produce our key products and the components by using the world's most advanced production technology.
That is why we continually support research into new materials and processes in order to introduce new and innovative pumps and motors that can meet the need and demand for effective, safe and energy-efficient systems - and live up to customer expectations.
It is important for us that our pumps are user-friendly and that they are so flexible that they can be used everywhere. That is why we invest in a wide range of high-quality pumps.
When it comes to pumps and motors our customers shall perceive us as a reliable long-term partner - and not just a supplier.
Customer satisfaction is one of our most crucial goals and success criteria. This means that we place great emphasis on advising customers so that they receive the product which meets their exact needs - neither more nor less.
This means that we place great emphasis on service because we take responsibility for our products - including the responsibility of training our customers.
F-Tech will always behave in a responsible manner - both in business and in society in general.
Our growth and presence shall harmonise with the environment because our products and the sale of these products shall not just be for our own success, but shall also benefit the societies where they are used.
We are convinced that as a company we have a social responsibility towards both our employees and the local communities. Our social responsibility is manifested through concrete initiatives in the Group's individual companies. A good example of this is our decision to employ people with reduced work capabilities, under flexible working conditions.
In business we will strive to be perceived as both fair and correct - by customers, suppliers and competitors.
Finally, we will focus on what we are good at. This means that our primary income shall be obtained from our core business, namely, developing, producing and selling pumps and pump systems.